A. Distribution of "Biotech Kit":
I. Distribution of Biotech Kit under State Plan Scheme on 10th & 15th December, 2014 and 16th March, 2015:
Growing concern about the adverse effects of application of chemicals in the agriculture practices has compelled us to restore the environment for sustainable production that encourages the introduction of organic inputs in a comprehensive form of Biotech kit The process offers immense scope to small and marginal farmers and SHG groups in creating their own organic environment and project their farming land as a “hub of safe food production” It is considered necessary to promote and take this technologies to the door step of the farmers in every corner of the state for improvement of soil heath and to create a hazard free sustainable environment. The “Biotech Kit” consist of 18 different Bio-inputs including Micorhizal preparation N,P,K,S fixing Bio-fertilizer, entomopathogenic biopesticides, neem & garlic based biopestisides, beneficial fungas to restrain plant diseases, lure to trap the pest and a sprayer.
Distribution of Biotech Kits by Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura at Mekhlipara GP, Old Agartala Block, West Tripura on 10th December, 2014. |
Distribution of Biotech Kits by Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura at Rangamati GP, Amarpur Block, Gomati Tripura on 15th December, 2014. |
This Directorate has all ready completed the distribution of Biotech kit among the 80 nos. of small and Marginal farmers of Mekhlipara GP under Old Agartala Block, West Tripura on 10th December, 2014, Rangamati GP under Amarpur Block, Gomati Tripura on 15th December, 2014 and Bikram Nagar GP under Dukli Agri Sub-division, West Tripura on 16th March, 2015 during 2014-15 FY. The same distribution programme will be followed during 2015 -16 financial year at different block areas of the State.
II. Training Cum Distribution Programme of Biotech Kits & EM Solution for Quick Composting:
Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura in collaboration with Indo German Development Cooperation (IGDC) Project, Tripura organized Training Cum Distribution Programme of Biotech Kits & EM solution for Quick Composting at Ambasa, Dhalai Tripura on 6th June, 2014.
Training Cum Distribution Programme of Biotech Kits & EM solution for Quick Composting, Ambasa, Dhalai Tripura, Jointly organizes by Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura & IGDC Project, Tripura on 6th June, 2014. |
Hon'ble Minister for Science, Technology & Environment Smt. Bijita Nath inaugurated the programme. 50 beneficiaries of IGDC project of Dhalai district participated the training programmes.
B. Distribution of "Bee Boxes":
I. Distribution of Bee Boxes on 19th December, 2014 & 14th February, 2015:
Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura in association with Centre for pollination Studies (CPS) , University of Calcutta organized Training on Bee Keeping and distribution of Bee Boxes at Hawaibari GP, Teliamura on 19th December, 2014 and 14th February, 2015.
Training Cum Distribution Programme of Bee Boxes, Hawai Bari GP, Teliamura, Jointly organizes by Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura & Centre for pollination Studies (CPS), University of Calcutta on 19th December, 2014 and 14th Feb, 2015. |
Hon'ble Minister for Science, Technology & Environment Smt. Bijita Nath inaugurated the programme. Dr. P. Basu and Dr. B. Smith were present on 14th February, 2015. 40 Bee boxes along with Bee Colony with queen, Bee Stand, Bee Hive, Honey extractor etc. were distributed among the beneficiaries .
C. Projects:
I. Project on Effect of Green Technology on Seasonal & Perennial (Medicinal) Plants:
The one year duration project have been undertaken at Heritage Park jointly by the Directorate of Biotechnology & Department of Forest with thefinancial assistance of TFDPC, Tripura in a view to i) Introduce a low cost eco-friendly technology. ii) Identify the changes of medicinal plants with the application of Biotech based environment friendly inputs and iii) aware people about the use of medicinal plants. This project has involved 6 students and a teacher guide of Women Collage, Agartala to study the different parameter of the medicinal plants.
II. Project on "Evaluation/Data Generation of Neem as Bio-pesticide/Bio-fertilizer in Tripura"
The Neem based Research project have been undertaken by Directorate of Biotechnology at Debendra Chandra GP under Mohanpur Agri Subdivision, West Tripura for development of eco-friendly Bio-pesticide/ Bio-fertilizer for CIB registration. The project is funded by Institute of Pesticide Formulation Technology, Govt. of India.
D. Workshop/ Seminar:
I. Seminar on Effect of Green Technology on Medicinal Plants on 28th November, 2014:
One day seminar on "Effect of Green Technology on Medicinal Plants" jointly organized by Directorate of Biotechnology & Department of Forest, Tripura at Women college, Agartala, Tripura on 28th November, 2014. Hon'ble Minister for Science, Technology & Environment Smt. Bijita Nath inaugurated the programme.
Seminar on Effect of Green Technology on Medicinal Plants at Women College, Agartala, Tripura Jointly organizes by Directorate of Biotechnology & Department of Forest, Tripura on 28th November, 2014. |
The programme was attended by College Students, officers of State Department, research Scholars etc. Variety of medicinal plants were high lighted during the seminar.
II. Buyer Seller Meet on Organic Produce, 2014:
The Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura organized "Buyer Seller Meet on Organic Produce" in collaboration with National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Govt. of India on 20th August, 2014. Hon'ble Minister for Science, Technology & Environment Smt. Bijita Nath inaugurated the programme.
Buyer Seller Meet on Organic Produce at Pragna Bhawan, Agartala, Tripura Jointly organizes by Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura & National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Govt. of India on 20th August, 2014. |
The programme was attended by Progressive farmers, Whole seller representatives, College Students, research Scholars, NGO representatives, Bio- dealers, Officers & Scientists from Central and State Government. During the Meet, Exhibition on Organic Vegetables, Bio-fertilizers and Bio-pesticides products was arranged.
E. Participation of DBT in Foliage Show, 2014:
The Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura participated in "Foliage Show " at Rabindra Kanun, Agartala from 15th - 16th August, 2014 to demonstrate the “Biotech Kit”, Organic Farming and EM technology. The show was organized by Horticultural Society of Tripura. Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tripura Sri Manik Sarkar had visited the DBT Stall and interacted with the officers of DBT.
Hon'ble Chief Minister, Tripura, Sri Manik Sarkar interacting with the officers of Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura |
F. Training Programmes 2014-15:
Directorate of Biotechnology, Govt. of Tripura organized 09 training/demonstration programmes up to August, 2014 during 2014-15 FY among the different group of beneficiaries viz. Farmers, SHG, FIG, NOG, College students with special reference to Biotechnological approaches.
Training on Bee Keeping at Hawai Bari GP, Teliamura, Tripura (K) in Association with CPS, University of Calcutta on 22nd November, 2014 |
Training On Post Harvest Management & Improved Production Technologies of Horticultural Crops: 2014. |
List of Training/workshop/Seminar during 2014-15 FY:
Sl. No. | Name of the programme | Date | Participants | Venue | Sponsored/ Collaborator |
1. |
Seminar under the project title "Effect on Green Technology on Perennial & Seasonal (Medicinal) Plants" |
28th November, 2014 | College Students, Research Scholars, College Faculties, Officers of State Department | Women College, Agartala, West Tripura | Dept. of Forest & T.F.D.P.C, Tripura |
2. |
Farmers Training Programmes on Bee Keeping |
22nd November, 2014 |
Hawai Bari GP, Teliamura, Tripura (K) | CPS, University of Calcutta |
3. |
Farmers Training Programmes on Organic Farming |
20th September, 2014 |
South Narayanpur, Bamutia, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
4. | Farmers Training Programmes on Nursery Techniques | 19th September, 2014 |
South Narayanpur, Bamutia, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
5. | Farmers Training Programmes on IPM & IDM | 12th September, 2014 | Farmers | Suryamuni Nagar, Dukli, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
6. | Training on Improved Production Technologies of Horticultural Crops. | 11th September, 2014 | Farmers | Bikram Nagar, Dukli, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
7. | Post Harvest Technologies of Horticultural Crops. | 21st August, 2014 | Farmers, College Students, FIGs, NGOs | Press Club, Agartala | NIAM, Govt. of India |
8. | Buyer Seller Meet on Organic Produce: 2014 | 20th August, 2014 | Farmers, College students, Research Scholars, NGOs, Officers, Scientists, Bio-dealers, Whole Sellers etc. | Pragna Bhawan, Agartala | NIAM, Govt. of India |
9. | Farmers Training Programme on PHM of Horticultural Crops. | 26th July, 2014 | Farmers | Community Canning Centre, Ramnagar, Agartala | CIH, Govt. of India |
10. | Farmers Training Programme on PHM of Horticultural Crops. | 25th July, 2014 | Farmers | Community Canning Centre, Ramnagar, Agartala | CIH, Govt. of India |
11. | Training Cum Distribution Programme of Biotech Kits & EM Solution for Quick Composting. | 6th June, 2014 | Beneficiaries of IGDC Project |
Ambassa, Dhalai Tripura |
IGDC Project, Tripura |
12. | Farmers Training Programme on Nursery Techniques of Horticultural Crops. | 24th May, 2014 | Farmers | Tulakona GP, Jirania, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
13. | Farmers Training Programme on Improved Production Technologies of Horticultural Crops. | 23rd May, 2014 | Farmers | Tulakona GP, Jirania, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
14. | Farmers Training Programme on Integrated Plant Nutrient Management. | 22nd May, 2014 | Farmers | Briddhi Nagar GP, Jirania, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |
15. | Farmers Training Programme on Improved Production Technologies of Horticultural Crops. | 21st May, 2014 | Farmers | Briddhi Nagar GP, Jirania, West Tripura | CIH, Govt. of India |